Who: Pacific Northwest Genre Film Fans What: MIFFF November Planning meeting When: Saturday, 10th of January, 2009 - 12:45pm-2:45pm Where: King County Library Bellevue Branch - Room 4 King County Library Bellevue Branch 1111 110th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 425-450-1765 http://www.kcls.org/Bellevue/ Agenda: Status of non-profit filing, bylaws, budgets, bank account, master business license, insurance, logo, venue negotiation, publicity plan & film submission forms finalized for rollout at SFFSFF. The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(MIFFF) is the Pacific Northwest's premier weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event was created to offer exposure to films that traditionally are overlooked by the festival circuit from genres including action, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The festival will feature an amazing selection of fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.
Who: Pacific Northwest Genre Film Fans What: MIFFF November Planning meeting When: Saturday, 13th of December, 2008 - 1:30pm-4pm Where: King County Library Bellevue Branch - Room 4 King County Library Bellevue Branch 1111 110th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 425-450-1765 http://www.kcls.org/Bellevue/ Agenda: Status of non-profit filing, bylaws, budgets, bank account, master business license, insurance, logo, venue negotiation, publicity plan, film submission forms The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(MIFFF) is the Pacific Northwest's premier weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event was created to offer exposure to films that traditionally are overlooked by the festival circuit from genres including action, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The festival will feature an amazing selection of fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.
Who: Pacific Northwest Genre Film Fans What: MIFFF November Planning meeting When: Saturday, 8th of November, 2008 - 12:30pm-2:45pm Where: King County Library Bellevue Branch - Room 4 King County Library Bellevue Branch 1111 110th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 425-450-1765 http://www.kcls.org/Bellevue/ Agenda: Status of non-profit filing, bylaws, master business license, board of directors insurance, logo, venue negotiation, publicity plan, film submission forms, event reports(2d or not 2d Animation Festival, Battlestar Galactica Event) The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(MIFFF) is the Pacific Northwest's premier weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event was created to offer exposure to films that traditionally are overlooked by the festival circuit from genres including action, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The festival will feature an amazing selection of fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.
Who: Pacific Northwest Genre Film Fans What: M.I.F.F.F. Planning meeting When: Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 1pm-3pm Where: Uptown Espresso at Lower Queen Ann in Seattle. Uptown Espresso 500 Westlake Ave. N (Westlake & Republican) Seattle, WA http://www.uptownespresso.net/location.html Agenda: Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws Vote, Board of Directors vote, Venue Negotiating Status, Event Reports(PAX, NW Event Show, HP Lovecraft FF), Publicity, & Miscellaneous Business.
The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(M.I.F.F.F.) is the Pacific Northwest's premier weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event was created to offer exposure to films that traditionally are overlooked by the festival circuit from genres including action, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The festival will feature an amazing selection of fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.
Please note the August 2nd Meeting Date has been moved. New Date posted below.
Who: Pacific Northwest Genre Film Fans What: M.I.F.F.F. Planning meeting When: Saturday, August 16, 2008 - 2pm-4pm Where: Uptown Espresso at Lower Queen Ann in Seattle. Uptown Espresso 500 Westlake Ave. N (Westlake & Republican) Seattle, WA http://www.uptownespresso.net/location.html Agenda: Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Venues, Staffing, Budgets, Publicity, & Miscellaneous Business.
The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(M.I.F.F.F.) is the Pacific Northwest's premier weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event was created to offer exposure to films that traditionally are overlooked by the festival circuit from genres including action, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The festival will feature an amazing selection of fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.
Who: Pacific Northwest Genre Film Fans What: M.I.F.F.F. Planning meeting When: Saturday, August 2, 2008 - 2pm-4pm Where: Uptown Espresso at Lower Queen Ann in Seattle. Uptown Espresso 500 Westlake Ave. N (Westlake & Republican) Seattle, WA 206.621.2045 http://www.uptownespresso.net/location.html Agenda: Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Venues, Staffing, Budgets, Publicity, & Miscellaneous Business.
The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(M.I.F.F.F.) is the Pacific Northwest's premier weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event was created to offer exposure to films that traditionally are overlooked by the festival circuit from genres including action, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The festival will feature an amazing selection of fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.
Here are the "Founding Fathers" of M.I.F.F.F. From Left to Right: Dan Doody, Rick Tillman, Kelly Young, Eric Morgret, Isaac Alexander, Gabe de los Angeles, & Jimmy Dean Candella. Photo taken at the first staff meeting at Cafe Vita, Seattle Washington.
Planning for the 1st dedicated genre film festival in Seattle is now under way. If you wish to become a part of the staff or volunteer your time at next years event, please join our staff mailing list. If you choose to sign up to join through the link below, please provide the following information.
Full Name City/State/Province where you live Event or Film Experience Reason for wanting to join
The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(M.I.F.F.F.) is the Pacific Northwest's premier weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event was created to offer exposure to films that traditionally are overlooked by the festival circuit from genres including action, fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The festival will feature an amazing selection of fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.
In order to prepare for the Fall 2009 event, we are now in the process assembling a staff and steering committee. We believe that this planning time will ensure a successful launch that will lead to a solid foundation for years to come. We're very excited about meeting fellow genre film fans living in the Pacific Northwest who have a passion for fantastic film making. Details about our first official meeting is listed below.
Who: Pacific Northwest Genre Film Fans What: M.I.F.F.F. Planning meeting When: Monday, June 16, 2008 - 7pm-9pm Where: Caffe Vita 1005 East Pike Street Seattle, WA 98122 206-709-4440 or (888)223-VITA http://www.caffevita.com/index.php?page=capitol_hill
Agenda: Meet & Greet, Assembling Staff, Developing A Steering Committee, Evaluation of Venues, Ideas for Event, Miscellaneous Business. What to bring: Enthusiasm, Contact Information, Resume(Talents you can bring to the event)
Besides our temporary official site on blogspot, you can reach us at our official spaces on the two largest social networks at this time.
The Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival(MIFFF) is the Pacific Northwest's new premiere weekend long event devoted towards independent and international genre film making. The event is being created to offer exposure to genre films(animation, fantasy, horror, and science fiction), which are often overlooked by the traditional film festival circuit. The event will feature an amazing selection of interesting fantastic films from around the earth – with the possibility of artists presenting the works themselves. U.S. and world premieres will play alongside global festival favorites and select retrospective titles.